Ellis Network Associates helps organisations protect their ICT Systems and profitiability by working with them to understand and manage risks associated with their ICT, OT and Other systems from a wide range of Cyber Threats. Many people in Melbourne, know me for my presentations on website security; in addition to my skills in this area, I have written polices to assist organisations meeing security obligations from a wide range of frameworks (ISO27001, PSPF/ISM, DHHS72), built vulnerability and patch management programs, developed incident management plans and handled very large incidents (7,000+ end point devices; and around 30 servers), provide reports in relation to hacking, misuse, and assisted organisations efficiently and effectively resolve complaints from external parties.
Hi - I'm Brad Ellis and have worked in the ICT Industry for over 20 years with more than 15 years as a ICT Security Specialist. Over that time, I've had an interesting and varied career assisting a diverse range organisations to secure very large (22,000 node+) networks, working in Government, Wholesale Internet Service Provision, the Financial Services Sector, the Utilities Sector and with Data Acquisition, Analytics and Processing Firms.